Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Normal service will be resumed shortly

The last month has been a bit busy with several weeks surveying tooth fungi, weddings, lichen course and a "Friends of Abernethy" talk to prepare and deliver, but more about all these events shortly. One nice find just before the lichen course was this wee beauty Pseudevernia furfuracea, showing just how close lichens really are to fungi (a lichen is a mix of a fungus and an algae). The yellow "caps" or apothecia (fruiting body) are rare in British specimens making this photo a bit special.

As I type tonight, our grandson Finlay is tucked up in bed next door and as of today he has a younger brother. Mid-morning Ruth gave birth to a thumper of a baby, our second grandchild, who weighed in at an amazing 8lb 10oz, and we will all be heading to Inverness tomorrow to say a first hello. Congratulation Ruth and Sean and thanks to the maternity staff at Raigmore. Via the wonders of modern technology this photo was taken by 'a telephone' and in the blink of an eye we were able to see the wee man on our computer screens - amazing.

At just about the same time as the birth his elder brother(almost 3) was starting to follow in the footsteps of his grandad and great grandad. It's a pity that I look like a demented grand-parent, but it was quite difficult to ensure Finlay pressed the right button to take this photo. Despite that I think the result is absolutely brilliant. Honestly, this photo is one of Finlay's first, a hand held camera with no fiddles. You could go far young man!

Enjoy the mini read
Relieved grandparents Janet & Stewart