Summer arrived late this year. Compared to April, May and June when the winds
were generally from a northerly direction, July, August and September benefitted
from winds regularly from the south-south-west and much warmer weather. September was particularly good with the
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One of the first spiders webs covered in dew |
for the first 15 days averaging 19.50C, the highlight
being 250C on 15th!
Despite our good weather, the first pinkfeet were passing overhead on
the 15th and a late curlew was heard flying east the same morning. Even though this day was very warm, a cool
night ensured we had a typically, misty September morning so I combined a tooth
fungi check near Loch Mallachie with a camera outing to
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Loch Mallachie |
photograph the water droplet
covered spiders webs and I wasn’t disappointed.
A misty Loch Mallachie didn’t disappoint either. Progress was slow and, as I walked the sun
started to burn through the mist and spiders webs became even more
photogenic. However, this was a morning
to check the last of the rarer tooth fungi sites and there was huge
disappointment when the main site in
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Hydnellum cumulatum on track |
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and the nearby spiders web |
Abernethy Forest for Hydnellum cumulatum
(new to the UK in 2001) produced no records.
Nearby Phellodon niger and Hydnellum aurantiacum where found in almost
the exact same locations as in 2011 and all was not lost re H. cumulatum as I
knew of another site close by that might still support the fungus despite quite
a lot of trackside vegetation encroachment.
Despite not having checked this location since 2012, the fungus was still
present at two of the three locations and, looking up, there was an amazing glowing
spiders web, back-lit by the strengthening sun.
I have no doubt that this will be the only UK record for this fungus
this year.
Local moth expert Mike had also suggested that with the very
warm southerly winds mid-month we should remain alert to the possible arrival
of migrant moths and butterflies.
Certainly, red admirals were being encountered but the real surprise
came when I saw Aileen in the village who told me that she had seen the biggest
ever moth on her windowsill the night before.
My “do you have a photo?” query saw one arrive by email that evening and
despite going through my moth book a couple of
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Convolvulus hawk-moth - copyright Aileen MacEwan |
times I wasn’t sure what it
was. Initially I thought it looked like a
dark arches (Apamea monoglypha) which is quite a big moth, but the moth in the
photo lacked the distinctive ‘W’ markings on the outer edge of the wings of
that species. The photo also lacked any
other feature by which to determine how big was “the biggest ever” moth. Another run through the moths field guide
didn’t help so as a last resort I went on to the brilliant UK Moths website and
clicked on the systematic list under the Species tab and worked my way down to
the start of the bigger moths (beyond the micros) and when I arrived at the
Family Lasiocampidae, I was able to click on links to photos. Could it be a hawk-
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Painted lady |
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Red admiral |
moth? Checking the moth book hadn’t led me to this
group despite it being the first I checked but, clicking onto convolvulus hawk-moth
(Agrius convolvuli) I saw a likeness of the characteristic features, mainly
because there was a similar photo of the moth with wings closed, and this was
confirmed a little later by expert Mike.
Phew! Garden arrivals were
painted lady and red admiral butterflies.
In August I met up with three SNH staff regarding a planned
visit towards the end of September to a couple of sites in RSPB Abernethy
Forest. The visit was aimed at showing a
larger staff group the effects of disturbance in the landscape both natural and
man-made and my link was to the latter and the reason why most tooth fungi are
found associated with tracks and small quarries linked to them. The effects of natural disturbance would be
covered by visiting a section of the River Nethy where heavy winter rains had
caused major changes to the course of the river. The August visit was aimed at visiting the
possible sites so that an agenda for the later outing could be prepared. At the first site lots of tooth fungi were
seen along with deadwood creation and the group were well impressed by what
they saw overlooking the River Nethy.
Heading back to our cars from the latter site
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Exobasidium splendidum? |
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Exobasidium splendidum? |
lichen/fungus man Dave
spotted a group of cowberry plants (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) which had been turned
completely red by a fungus attack and he queried whether this was linked to the
common fungus on cowberry - Exobasidium vaccinia or cowberry redleaf. I said I wasn’t sure but the reddened plants
were something I regularly encountered in the forest though E. vaccinia was a
fungus I knew created concave leaves on the living plant and with the lower
surface white-felted with the reproductive part of the fungus, much different
to what we were seeing. Dave took a few
photos to check. An email the next day
informed me that the reddened cowberry plants could be linked to another fungus
going by the name of Exobasidium splendidum, a brilliant name for this bright
red fungus. However, there were few
records for it and there were problems identifying it but if I had time, could
I return to the site and collect a specimen to send off to the experts at
Kew. This I did but
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Cowberry red leaf left & others |
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and more of the same or, perhaps, different? |
in making my way
back to my car I wandered away from the track, seeing if I could locate more
red infected plants as I walked. The
cowberry redleaf fungus was everywhere and I had no problem finding it as I
walked. At the site where I collected
the totally red infected plants I realised that they were around the base of
the Scots pine, almost tightly so, and as I walked I checked the bases of more
pines. In the few hundred metres between
my first find and my car I found another seven infected plants, the red plants
growing at the bases of the pines and growing quite happily with non-infected
plants. A few more specimens were
collected to send off. Back home I tried
to find fungal spores but was unsuccessful, but reading the literature and
checking the various websites I found there were just four records for E.
splendidum in the UK and that it wasn’t formally assessed re rarity, but
potentially Critically Endangered. Did I
have the right species? In a few hundred
metres I had almost doubled the total of known UK locations for the fungus so I
awaited the results from Kew with interest.
Brian at Kew did some amazing work with the specimens and with very
limited other
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Blaeberry bumblebee (Bombus monticola) found the same day |
material to compare with suggested that we were possibly dealing
with Exobasidium spendidum but it could also be E. juelianum or a species that
has yet to be fully described. Complex
sequencing will be the only way to get to the bottom of this group of species
and with more material at home drying, there could be more work to be done to
arrive at the true species. I think this
just confirms the complexity of some of these closely related species, and this
is for just one plant species. There’s a
lot more out there that is in need of more work so hopefully, one day……..
A phone call from Gus in the village alerted me to the
possibility that one of our most deadly fungi could be growing in
Grantown. The local Strathy newspaper
editor had been in contact about the destroying angel fungus (Amanita virosa)
and because he knew little about it had contacted me to see if I could
help. I had only ever seen this fungus
once before in 2012 but was familiar with what it looked like and its key
features and hoped that the general location details supplied by the editor
might let me see it again, so, off I went to Grantown. I walked the track where the fungus was
supposed to have been seen and did manage to find a similar looking white
fungus but growing from deadwood and in another place something that might have
been the false death-cap, a member of the same family but not quite so
deadly. But no destroying angels. I began to think that there had been a
misidentification by someone unfamiliar with the fungus but when the editor
supplied a poor photo of what had been found along with the name of the finder,
I knew we were dealing with the real thing.
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The Grantown destroying angel |
The editor was working to a tight deadline so I supplied what
information I had about the fungus along with a photo of my 2012 find and thought
that was that. An informative write-up
appeared in the newspaper warning readers to be careful if collecting mushrooms
to eat, along with the poor photo (the fungus was on its side and a bit out of
focus) to accompany the article.
Returning to Grantown for a bag of bird food a couple of days after the
paper was published I was tempted back to the path through the woods to see if
I might have more luck finding the fungus via a slightly wider search. People walking their dogs must have wondered
what I was up to as I wandered back and forth, but there, perhaps two or three
times the distance into the wood than reported, was a white fungus with a
slightly bent stem (stipe) and also displaying the ‘ring’ on the stem,
characteristic of this fungus. The ring
is the remains of a covering that enclosed the gills when the fungus was young
(look at the button type mushrooms in the supermarket) and as the cap expands
the cover tears
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The Boat of Garten version |
resulting in the floppy ring around the stem. Close by was another specimen and on the bank
below were the decaying remains of another four, one of which might have
provided the original photo. The
information that was correct said ‘growing under a beech tree’. Heavy rain between my visits might have been
responsible for the two fresh specimens emerging. Would there be anything to see at the site
found in 2012? Next day I was on site
but couldn’t find anything in the gap amongst the birches and aspens where
first found. However, nearby, and
protected a little by the branches of a fallen tree were two fruiting bodies
but both well past their best and starting to disintegrate. A few metres away
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Amanita virosa spores x1000 oil |
though another specimen was
found and this was in good order and with all key features still visible. A small section of one of the decaying fungi
was carefully popped into a tube so the spores could be checked once home. Lots of washing of hands followed as gills
were removed, sectioned and squashed to provide a view of the spores under the
microscope. New photos were forwarded to
the Strathy editor allowing a second article to be written showing the deadly
fungus in situ emphasising just how similar it looks to similar sized edible
4th September 2016 and I did it. A late afternoon walk to stretch my legs saw
me wander off track and into ‘stump land’, an area which initially I had
written off as unsuitable to check for the stump lichen. The further into the thicket of natural
regeneration of birch and Scots pine I walked the more open it became and the
stumps from the felling of lodgepole pines in 2000/2001 appeared. Location number 49 was found quite quickly
but it took quite a bit more wandering to find another occupied
stump. After
138 stumps checked (this outing) my 50th location for Cladonia
botrytes was found. Once again I had to
phone Janet to say sorry, I was going to be late for my evening meal as
measurements and photos had to be taken.
The number of locations for this lichen in Abernethy Forest has now
passed the total known within the UK spanning the period 1955 to 2015 (x30) but
because the stumps supporting the lichen are usually in an advanced state of
decay, few of these survive today. I
have no doubt that there are more to be found in Abernethy but 50 will be
enough for now! More work though was to
follow. The editor of The British Lichen
Society’s members Bulletin had issued an urgent request for articles for the
next edition and the experts that had helped me
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The 50th population of the stump lichen |
identify my first finds had
also suggested a write up would be very helpful. So, it was time to put pen to paper, sort all
my records into order along with stump details (sizes/heights) and to match up
my photos to my finds. Drafts were
circulated and comments acted upon and with the final draft signed off by Sandy
Coppins (thank you), text and photos were sent to Paul to incorporate into the next
Bulletin. Not sure that the 20-odd
photos will all be used but hopefully enough will be used to reflect the range
of stumps occupied by the lichen.
After an early start on the 18th to set up
Janet’s craft stall in Aviemore I headed up to the carpark on Cairngorm to try
once again to find plants of bog bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) which had been
turned bright red by the fungus Exobasidium expansum. The route I was following was a wee burn
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Bog bilberry & Exobasidium pachysporum fungus |
running below and adjacent to the funicular railway whose occupants must have
wondered who the strange chap was wandering about below them, especially if I
was there on their trip up the mountain AND down! Because the plants in this area are close to
areas visited by the public many grow quite well when compared to the deer
nibbled plants a little further out on the hill. Many plants were covered with the fungus I’d
found on previous visits, Exobasidium pachysporum, a species classed as rare in
the UK but probably under-recorded. As I
wandered higher up the burn the plants started to
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Peacock butterfly |
peter out so the single
recent record for the fungus in the UK remains.
I made my way to areas bulldozed flat all those years ago when Cairngorm
started to develop as a ski area and the first
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Interrupted (top) & alpine clubmoss (bottom) |
surprise was finding a peacock
butterfly sitting on the ground enjoying the sun (the temperature was 150C!)
but when it realised I was close by taking its photo it rose into the air and
kept on rising just like a bird of prey.
Perhaps it was a recent migrant arrival? Plants of the clubmoss family were the other
highlight with stag’s-horn, interrupted and alpine species found growing fairly
close together. Time to descend and help
Janet to pack up after a none too productive day.
Late in the month the last visit to the Osmia inermis trial
nest site near Blair Atholl was made on yet another warm, sunny day, weather
that wasn’t too kind on this bee and other insects earlier in the summer. The orange, ceramic saucers, installed to see
if the bee would find them suitable as nesting
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Nest site saucer in place |
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A disappointing end |
sites were searched for,
inspected and removed as this was the end of the two year project. At the first site, a bit of limestone
outcrop, saucer after saucer was checked but without any having been used. Quite a disappointment and with the fifty saucers
collected we made our way back to the car.
The second site which is again slightly lime-rich, comprises an area of
bird’s-foot trefoil rich heathland and the last site in the UK where the wee
bee was known to be breeding (old nest found 2008). Sadly, nothing was found at this site either
and with all the potential nesting saucers now removed it is debatable whether
another artificial nest creation project will be considered. Ideally, site visits during hot, sunny
weather in June to early July would be best to watch for the bee visiting
flowers, but with a trip each way of around 80 miles and the guarantee of sunny
weather when there make this type of visit fairly impractical.
As the autumn colours were becoming evident across the
countryside the last of the BSBI recording tetrads was visited early in the
month. This outing took me back to Glen
Markie, west of Laggan, with the aim of trying to visit a deep gorge along the
River Markie (seen on an earlier recording visit) to see if there might be a few
lichens of interest along with plants. A
couple of surprises were found by the track.
In the track-side grass I could see a tiny yellow, spindle-shaped fungus,
an indicator of a fairly rich grassland habitat, and a guess that these were
known as the ‘handsome club’ (Clavulinopsis laeticolor) was confirmed once back
home. The second fungus was a much
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The 'handsome club' fungus |
surprise - two fruiting bodies of the tooth fungus, Sarcodon squamosus, which
was new to that area. The boggy area
between track and river produced records of the usual plant species and as I
reached the river I could see that I would have fun trying to get into the
gorge despite the fact that I was about half a mile down river from it! In places there was accessible boulder strewn
riverbank but most of the side of the river was sheer rock outcrops, not very
high but not very easy to get on to check.
Plants from the higher, mountain sections of the river were evident,
mountain sorrel (Oxyria digyna)
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River Markie |
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Mountain sorrel |
and tea-leaved willow (Salix phylicifolia)
along with several aspens growing from rocky areas where they had escaped
browsing deer. Close to the main section
of the gorge I found an accessible section with a good mix of tree species,
including hazel and aspen and some nice, damp sections of rock, which looked
right for one of the lichens I was hoping for: Peltigera britannica. Sure enough, several small populations were
found along with its rarer relative Peltigera leucophlebia, which is often
found along river-sides. Rocks on the
other side of the river looked very interesting and would be much more
accessible but it just wasn’t possible to get across. One for the future. As I made my way back down the track to my
car, parked by Spey Dam, lots of mistle thrushes were in the trees and adjacent
fields, but it would be much later in the month before the first redwings would
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Peltigera britannica top & leucophlebia bottom |
Recording visits completed all
that was left to do was get all my records into Mapmate, ready for forwarding
to Andy to add to the 2016 report for the Park and to forward to the BSBI
database. My recording outings this year
had produced 5700 plant records (I’ve yet to work out how many species) adding
to a current ongoing total from all recorders of 23,400. Over the three years of the project, but with
a few more records still due for this year, an impressive total of just over
75,000 plants were recorded by the 10-15 recorders, comprising just over 1000
plant species, quite an amazing result.
It has been a great project to have been involved in which shows the
real benefits of targeted area recording, but the biggest ‘thank-you’ has to go
to Andy Amphlett who organised the project, kept everyone informed of progress,
and highlighted some of the rarer species to keep an eye open for whilst out in
the field.
And lastly, thanks has to go to Janet’s sewing machine for a
great outing right at the end of the month.
Due its annual service we dropped the machine off in Fochabers before
making our way to Spey Bay just a few miles up the road. Cool and a bit breezy we made our way out
over the pebble ‘beach’ to the shore to be met by many gannets fishing just
off-shore. Perhaps a combination of a
high tide and a fresh run of water down the River Spey after recent rains had
brought the fish close to the shore, but as we watched gannet after gannet
plunged into the sea in front of us attracted by a plentiful food supply. So, out came the camera and, after several
attempt the technique was established to capture some of them during their
spectacular dive process. We hope you
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One of many sets of photos! |
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Hm! Don't know what all the fuss is about! |
Enjoy the read.
Stewart and Janet
UK Moths
and, for convolvulus hawk-moth
Destroying angel Firwood blog
Fungus rings via photos
British Lichen Society – and The Lichenologist
Osmia inermis
July 2015 blog first Osmia inermis visit
Mapmate recording database
NBN Gateway
Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland (FRDBI)
BSBI – Botanical Society of the British Isles
Highland Biological Recording Group (HBRG)
and how to join HBRG
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A daytime moon |