Sunday, 16 September 2018

Bird’s-nests and butterflies in an orchid dominated month

June had quite a good start with the final tree shelters installed at the Tulloch aspen site to the 

Click beetle  (Ctenicera cuprea)
accompaniment of lots of greenish click beetles, (Ctenicera cuprea), and a few small heath butterflies.  On the track to the site a small, colourful moth stopped me in my tracks and, after a bit of chasing, as it flew between flowers, it perched up beautifully to allow photos to be taken.  There were two potential species of Pyrausta that it could have been and when I sent my photo off to expert Mike to check, he said he could only confirm by seeing the under-wing.  Unbelievably, I did have an under-
Pyrausta ostrinalis moth
wing photo and it was confirmed as P. ostrinalis, which I’ve seen before.  At the planted aspen site the heightened fence was finally completed. The young trees all appear to have produced leaves so fingers crossed we have a ‘new’ wood developing.  However, the hot/dry weather since planting meant that four, 25 litre water containers had to be bought, to transport water to the site with the first watering-can session taking place on the 2nd.  With grasses and plants only just getting going it was quite easy to see the wee canes and spiral guards at each of the sites but toing and froing with the watering can took an hour and a half to complete.  A bit of a guessing game but, with 100 litres of 
How to make it rain!
water and about 200 aspens, about half a litre of water was available for each tree so the 10 litre can had to last for about 20 trees.  Thankfully my hand-tally meter kept me well informed and all the trees received some water.  Yes, you guessed it, and just as I finished and arrived back at the car tiny drops of rain were landing on the windscreen but only for a few minutes so not enough to help the trees.  Driving back to Nethy Bridge the rain had stopped but about a mile from the village the roads were very wet and when I got home Janet told me that there had been a torrential downpour with rivers of water running down the road, none of which landed on my aspens! 

Our outing to Croy near Nairn on the 4th via Lochindorb proved to be an hour or so late.  Early evening the previous day the doorbell rang and our chalet guests David, Anita and Christopher had just returned from Lochindorb and asked if I thought the bird in their photo was an adult long-tailed skua, an amazing record for this area if correct so I said I would seek a second opinion as everything 
Christopher's long-tailed skua photo © Christopher Teague
about the perched bird looked right.  Within minutes the phone rang, and Richard confirmed that the bird ID was 100% and that he would be heading out first thing the following day to see if it was still there.  In the meantime, David had also received confirmation that their ID was correct.  At 9am on the 4th Richard rang to say the skua was still there more or less where it was the day before, so we decided to head for Croy via the loch.  Despite lots of scanning neither Janet or myself managed to find the bird so we continued our outing to an amazing ‘arboretum’ in the grounds of Kilravock Castle.  The inclusion of ‘Kil’ in the name is the Celtic word for church and suggests a church once occupied part of the site.  The castle which now occupies the site is a 15th century stately home to six generations of the Rose family the last family member – the 25th Baroness, Miss Elizabeth Rose, died in December 2012, having given the castle and its adjacent grounds to the Kilravock Christian Trust 
Monkey puzzle top and sitka spruce
in 1984.  Despite the castle website saying the castle and grounds are now closed to the public, Janet found a piece in the Nairn tourist information leaflet saying it was okay to visit the grounds which is where we were heading.  A major part of the grounds comprises an arboretum and in it we found some amazingly ancient trees, a monkey puzzle tree the like of which you are unlikely to find anywhere else growing close to a similarly ancient sitka spruce.  Old estate tracks are edged by avenues of ancient beech trees and generally the trees we saw on our walk were of an age seldom seen in other Highland woods.  We returned via Lochindorb but once again failed to find the skua only to be informed later the following day that it was seen heading north, and possibly to the coast, at about 10am on the morning of our visit.

The next day, the 5th, will long live in my memory as one of those special days.  This was the follow up day mentioned in the May blog to the wood where several old flower spikes of bird’s-nest orchid had been found during a green shield-moss recording visit.  On leaving the car at about 10.30 the notebook was out as this would also be a general recording visit, mainly plants, but also anything else of interest.  The first entry was a speckled wood butterfly along with a green-veined white, cuckoo flower and the sedge Carex nigra.  A few plants were recorded by 100 metre OS squares as I walked 
Goldilocks buttercup top and sun-lit bird's-nest orchid
so there were quite a few repeats but for the day the 175 records comprised 80 species.  At the first location where old bird’s-nest orchid spikes had been found previously I was relieved to find a new site for flowering spikes of goldilocks buttercups, progress from just the basal leaves from the first visit.  Next to the goldilocks were two, fully in-flower, bird’s-nest orchids, a brilliant start.  Leaving my rucksac as a guide, I wandered back and forth to see if there were any more, and two more were found.  The bright sun, whilst not the best for taking close up photos, was a big help in sort of ‘lighting up’ some of the bird’s-nest orchid spikes in the vegetation, and as I wandered, their numbers grew.  In total, the orchid was found at 18 locations as detailed below.
No. locations
Total spikes
Total bird’s-nest orchid flowering spikes = 77
The bigger groups were growing over a few square metres but just about visible in one photo and quite an amazing sight.  In Scottish terms this is an important site for this orchid.  There is only one higher count of over 170 spikes in Argyll back in 2011 with several locations of counts of around 30.  In the area of my count the orchid has been recorded nearby with the first record in 1963.  
Considering that I was in my wood for almost five hours and only covered about half of the wood, there could be more to find.  Was this a good flowering year?  If so, future counts might prove more difficult.  Whatever, it was a great day out.  A phone message waiting for me when I got home determined what I would be doing over parts of the next few days.

When I made the phone call it was to a TV producer who was keen to film the now famous ‘longhorn’ timberman beetle for a slot in one of the evening programmes – did I know if there were any locations where the beetle might be active and could be filmed?  RSPB staff had been contacted but suggested I might be the person who could help.  HELP!  The BSW sawmill in Boat of Garten was mentioned as a site where the beetle had been seen recently and, with the loss of Rab’s sawmill in Abernethy, this might prove to be a good alternative particularly as lots of fresh logs were stored there.  However, unlike Rab’s sawmill, it isn’t located within a native pinewood but, on making contact excellent assistance was given given by Dave the site manager.  Staff were asked to keep an 
Ant beetles top and egg laying red-belted awl-fly
eye open for any wandering beetles and I was accompanied by staff (for safety and H&S reasons) during a morning search of logs and cut timber in the stacks yard, but without any luck.  A major thinning of Scots pines had taken place within the Craigmore section of the RSPB Abernethy reserve with lots of logs still lying by track-sides and a felling of a few more mature trees had also taken place to remove trees from two important archaeological sites near Tore Hill.  So, over the next five days log stacks and felled trees were visited for a couple of hours a day in the hope that the freshly cut trees would prove attractive to mating/egg laying timberman beetles.  I managed to do something similar for the BBC series ‘Highlands – Scotland’s Wild Heart’ but realised at the time just how lucky I was to find males and a female together, and as the days/checks crept by I was beginning to think my luck had run out on this occasion – particularly when a filming date had been specified.  The bigger trunks at the archaeology site seemed to be the best option particularly as the other species which were found during the ‘Highlands’ search were present.  Ant beetles (Thanasimus formicarius) were regular along with a couple of other longhorn beetle species and a couple of weevil species including Pissodes pini.  An unusual fly was also present the red-belted awl-fly (Xylophagus cinctus
Male timberman beetle
again a species seen during the last timberman search and, like the beetle, an ancient pinewood indicator.  On the morning of the 10th June a single male beetle was found on one of the trunks of the pines at the archaeology site and I heaved a sigh of relief.  The film unit were due in a couple of days time so a phone call was made to say I had a beetle and could they arrange for the cameraman to come to film it only to be asked if I could look after it for 2-3 weeks because they didn’t have a cameraman available!  The beetle was released the next day, however, it had been an interesting exercise and several of the rarer insects living in Abernethy Forest had been recorded once again.  The next day Fraser from RSPB popped in to the house to install the last of my swift nest boxes at the top of the ‘high-topped’ Scots pine at the back of the garage.  Fingers crossed a pair will find it.

An email from the Flowerfield orchid site owners mid-month warned me that the orchids were appearing early this year possibly due to the hot and dry conditions.  The rainfall comparisons are given in the table.  With these conditions my guess was that there would be fewer flowers and that they would be slightly earlier than normal.
A visit to the site the following day did show lots of flower spikes appearing, so the count was arranged to start on the 18th a few days early than normal.  The first two days counting along cane-marked transects covered the first five sections with usually the fewest lesser butterfly orchid spikes.  
Lesser butterfly orchid top and small white orchid in
an amazing year
However, the tally counter produced a count with a hint of things to come: 112 spikes compared to 35 in 2017.  It then took a couple of days to count the marked-out area running parallel to the road and, as the count of this area progressed, I realised that this might be a special year, 4830 against 1892 in 2017!  With dry weather though some flower spikes were already going over whilst others were just getting going.  It was notable though that there were hardly any heath spotted orchids, the northern marsh orchids were stunted and the fragrant orchids appeared to be fewer but in good numbers.  None of the latter are counted accurately.  As the count progressed the usual six-spot burnet moths were obvious and active and, with a few found resting on the lesser butterfly orchid heads, I checked to see if they were feeding on the flowers because we still don’t know which insect(s) is responsible for cross pollinating that orchid.  A few were found on the fragrant orchid flowers where it was obvious 
Six-spot burnet and pollinia on fragrant orchid
they had been feeding on the flowers as their proboscis’ were covered in the orchids pollinia.  In orchids the pollinia is a single mass of pollen grains with a viscid (sticky) coating attached to the plant’s anthers.  They attach themselves as a single unit to the insect’s proboscis as it feeds to be carried to the next orchid to pollinate it.  A single pollinia can contain tens of thousands of pollen grains and it remains attached to the insect as it visits several other orchids.  A strange bulge high on 
Hawkweed and plant gall
the stem of a hawkweed turned out to be a plant gall created by the gall wasp Aulacidea hieracii not rare, and with few local records but a few more were found over the next few weeks.  Butterflies were also seen in good numbers comprising northern brown argus, common blue, meadow brown, small heath and several dark-green fritillaries a couple of which were seen mating.  On the last day, as the canes were being collected in a bee beetle (Trichius fasciatus) was found on a heath spotted orchid flower-head rather than the more usual thistle flowers and on top of one of the fence posts was a wee but impressive snake-fly (Atlantoraphidia maculicollis).  Over the 6 whole and part-count 
Bee beetle top and snake fly
days, a remarkable 7700 lesser butterfly orchids were counted, a total I feel will take some time to emulate.  The last job was to mark-out and count the more compact population of small white orchids and over a couple of hours the hand-tally counter totalled 1673 with an additional 14 becoming well established tens of metres from the main population.  It would be very useful if someone could spend a bit of time at this site to undertake a study as to why this fairly non-descript meadow produces so many orchids particularly as the count doesn’t take in the thousands of fragrant orchids that also appear every year.
Lesser butterfly orchids
Small white orchid
no count
After the count the new Director of Conservation and Visitor Experience at the Cairngorms National Park, Dr Peter Mayhew (my ex-boss at RSPB) spent a couple of hours meeting the meadows owners and mostly walking the orchid meadow to appreciate the sheer number of orchids but also to think about how, this, the best site in the UK for the two orchids in the table, might receive some form of ecological protection/support.  I’m still working at it.

The second of two BTO Breeding Bird Survey was completed with lime trees by the road and farmhouse adjacent to the transect route producing yet another surprise.  As I walked past them I spotted lots of tall, red growths popping up from their leaves, a gall mite that would require a sample for checking once home.  The limes are the common lime, the hybrid Tilia x europaea (hybrid of Tilia cordata and T. platyphyllos (small and large leaved lime)) and checking the British Plant Galls book I arrived at the name Eriophyes tiliae, confined to the common lime host.  According to NBN Atlas 
Lime leaf and the Eriophyes tiliae wasp gall
this is just the fourth Scottish record.  The third and final woodcock survey was also completed with again a reasonable number of roding birds seen or heard.  However, the midges were pretty unbearable!  An outing to Dufftown had a dual purpose, a nice wee walk for us both but a walk that would take us past four of the town’s six distilleries to see if the black whisky fungus (Baudoinia compniacensis) was present, the by-product of the evaporation from the barrels of whisky maturing in the bonded warehouses.  This information was to be added to the growing list of sites as a paper was being prepared for Field Mycology to highlight this seldom recorded fungus.  Armed with a couple of tasty sandwiches and cakes from a recently opened cake shop the walk went well with lots of nice flowers along the way.

Evening activity in the garden was quite entertaining during the month with Colin and Jackie seeing a badger by the chalet.  The following evening new chalet guests David, Anita and Christopher were entertained by a pine marten and Janet saw the first hedgehog of the year.  Amazingly, a week later as our chalet guests were ready to leave a pine marten dropped in to say cheerio at 9.30 in the morning! 
That same evening we had one of the most unusual encounters to date on the garden deck, both pine marten and hedgehog feeding together and side by side!  Mid-month a pine marten turned up at the squirrel feeders at mid-day and whether it was the same adult that turned up with three youngsters a couple of days later, we can’t be sure.  A second female turned up with one youngster, but she looked to be in a poor state, loosing hair from face and body whereas the family of three appeared quite regularly with the noisy, calling youngsters letting us know they were around.  As in previous years the young martens had fun around the squirrel feeders with mum ‘trapped’ in the box with youngster sitting on the lid and one or more youngsters regularly falling or almost falling from the wooden arch supporting the feeder!

The month ended on a positive note with a couple of aspen hoverflies (Hammerschmidtia ferruginea) seen visiting a fallen aspen to lay eggs at the site where all the fallen aspens were ‘tidied up’ a couple 
of years ago.  Permission was also given for some of the hazel stumps at the same site to be protected by rylock fencing rings to try and minimise browsing of new shoots by mainly roe deer and to allow the trees to re-grow.  A trial one was installed at the end of the month whilst funding was sourced to do more later in the year.  The planted aspens also received another watering on the last day of the month with most looking very well.

That’s it for another month, and still trying to catch up!

Stewart and Janet

Long-tailed skua in Highland Region
Kilravock Castle
NBN Atlas
Strathspey Weather
Badenoch and Strathspey Conservation Group
Mapmate recording database
Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland (FRDBI)
BSBI – Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland
Tick removed from cat being bitten by another tick!
F1 driver grandson Harry
Dark-green fritillary
A day out on Nairn beach
Photos © Stewart Taylor.  Long-tailed skua © Christopher Teague